Sunday, July 12, 2015

Waiting for our guests, I mean learners...

Growing up with my mother I learned the careful art of party planning. Everything down to the napkins would be perfectly in place and coordinated true to the theme. Those minutes waiting for our guests to arrive once appetizers were laid out were excruciating! I always wanted to dig into the beautiful platters of baked brie and crudités.

This weekend, leading up to edcampldr North New Jersey I have that same feeling. For months, our planning team has been preparing every detail down to the color of our polo shirts. Two different aspects separate this edcamp from our typical planning for edcampnj the large numbers of leaders who are unfamiliar with the edcamp movement and the global connection.

My mom, the consummate party planner. 
 As gracious hosts, we have been trying to figure out the best way to ingratiate these leaders into the spirit of edcamp. We have been sending blasts with helpful edcamp101 videos as well as planning an introduction during session creation to encourage newbies to lead a conversation. I remember my first edcampnj experience. It was like visiting Disney World for the first time. You arrive overwhelmed and leave feeling the Disney Magic. I left my first edcamp feeling restored, rejuvenated, and hopeful. I was now connected to a group of educators that would push me to grow professionally. My hope is that each leader leaves with that edcamp Magic and creates it for their staff. In order to do this, we need to leave titles at the door and be open to a non traditional approach to professional development. Quite often as leaders we love to control and plan. Those are not the essence of edcamp. It is about the organic experience of having conversations with colleagues and learning from each other.

Since edcampldr is happening globally we have the opportunity to collaborate with other sites. We have two scheduled hangouts during our first two sessions. During Session 1 we will be connecting and collaborating with Boston and South Jersey sites with the topic “How to Overcome Leadership Challenges." During Session 2 we will be connecting with South Jersey to discuss: “Connecting North & South - Does it Matter Pork Roll, Taylor Ham, Sprinkles, Jimmies, Sub or Hoagie We are all New Jersey." This offers a unique opportunity for collaboration.

I hope for all the edcamp newbies out there you come with an open mind ready to grow, learn, and connect. Until then I'll be patiently waiting for the guests to arrive and the party to begin.

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