Sunday, August 31, 2014

Road Map for the School Year: Introducing Students to the CCSS

Imagine starting a journey, but not having a map or any directions. How do you know where you are going? Where do you start? How do you get there? That's how most students feel in the beginning of the year. The trepidation of starting a new school year, but not quite sure of the expectations is daunting. I've always been one to be upfront with my students. I'm not sure why teachers neglect to share why we are doing things with our students. Think about front loading information to help students understand the purpose, the "why" gives meaning. I like to do this by starting the year introducing the Common Core State Standards (CCSS).

One of my favorite activities is having my student dissect the CCSS we will be working with during the school year. Learners work in groups to analyze the language and learn what they will be expected to achieve. I love watching my students make the connection that the Reading Literature and Reading Informational Text Standards are essentially the same. It's not only about having students understand their end goal, but it is also about teaching students the lingo. By sharing, common language with our students we help to alleviate the anxiety of the unknown. I also hang these words on a Common Core Word Wall for student reference. Seeing and using these words daily help students to utilize them in the reading classroom. The next step is for these words to be standard in the content areas to create continuity, and begin to build the joint responsibility in reading instruction.

Displaying the CCSS for easy access for my students, and QR codes in the corner if they would like to further investigate.

Once my students have their "road map," I refer back to the standards during my lessons. When introducing new topics I am sure to let students know the standards we are trying to master. I add the standards on handouts, and assessments so students can clearly see what we are working towards.

As you start your school year, how will you let your students in on your journey? Take the time to let your students in on the secret of the destination.

Examples of Student Friendly Standards created by my students:

1 comment:

  1. What an awesome activity! And thank you for sharing the student-friendly standards!
