Saturday, August 16, 2014

Common Core... Friend or Foe?

The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) has been the source of debate for the past year.  Parents, educators, political pundits, and even the Colbert Report have been examining its value.
But really what is the problem? Interpretation. Everyone is interpreting the Common Core in their own way to suit their needs. The message received is not always the message intended.  The CCSS was pushed onto educators, and is forcing the rethinking of pedagogy and daily business. Change is hard and not easily accepted.  Especially when you feel like it is being forced upon you. People like to feel involved in the change instead of forced to adapt. Change is seen as bad for a lot of people. It has encouraged the interpretation of this change as negative, instead of an opportunity to grow and move forward.
I think the foundation of the CCSS has merit. It strives to give students skills that will make them ready for real life work experiences by exposing them to more informational texts. It also forces students to be critical thinkers instead of multiple-choice robots. When you think about it isn't that what we want for students? To be better thinkers and have the skills that they need to be successful? While I agree that the rigor doesn't take into account students maturity level to achieve some skills it raises the bar to increase achievement. The US has always pushed the envelope, but why is it now that we don't want to push America's future to be more? While I don't agree that standardized testing is the answer I do believe that raising the bar doesn't hurt.

Three-Minute Video Explaining the Common Core State Standards from CGCS Video Maker on Vimeo.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on starting your blog! I'd love to hear more about your experience becoming Google certified!
